Declaration of 1-Dimensional Arrays:

In order to use the array in your programming, you must provide the following information to compiler of C++ you use in your computer.

1. The name of the array and it should not be an reserved keyword of C++ language.
2. Total number of element to be stored in the array at the time of its use.
3. Total number of memory location to be reserve.

Example:  Data_type_name  array_name[size];
where Data_type_name is a user defined name which they want to use like int, float, double etc.
array_name is the name of the array given by the user and it can't be a reserved key words of C++ language and size is the given element size of the variable.

Program: Write a program to initialize and print an array element.

int main()
int array[6] = {1, 2, 3,4 ,5 6 };
cout<<"The array element stored in array are: ";
for(int j=0; j<6; j++)


cout<<array[j]<<" ";

return 0;

In the above program we are declare a variable array[6] with its 6 values and we print these value using for loop.

The array element stored in array are: 1 2 3 4 5 6 

Mukesh Rajput
Mukesh Rajput

Mukesh Rajput

I am a Computer Engineer, a small amount of the programming tips as it’s my hobby, I love to travel and meet people so little about travel, a fashion lover and love to eat food, I am investing a good time to keep the body fit so little about fitness also..

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